Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy 4th Of July

The 4th of July conjures up images of summer, parades, fireworks, swimming, sunshine and lots of food. When you are living in the opposite hemisphere though, you are lucky to find something authentic to eat. Welcome to the life of the American expat in Australia, where you have to celebrate Independence Day in the middle of winter.

Today is a fitting day to officially launch Eagle vs Roo, and what better way to do it than to have a 4th of July BBQ. We headed out in the freezing cold to cook our meat on a public barbecue at a local park. We considered having an outdoor picnic for about 5 seconds, but quickly headed back to the warmth and heating of the indoors. It was so cold and windy outside that we couldn't even light a sparkler!

Since we don't have access to summer foods at the moment (e.g. watermelon, corn) we went with a classic potato salad side to go along with our burgers, sausages and lamb. For dessert, you can't go wrong with a homemade apple pie.

A plethora of American restaurants have popped up in Melbourne over the past few years. Eagle vs Roo will be checking them out in an attempt to find the best ones in town.

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